+2348162304907, +2348117979455 info@gmman.org,


25th -27th August 2025, International Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria




Our Drive

Not Your Regular Expo, Its More Than Just a Conference


To take care of the interests of its members and act as an advocate of policies capable of developing the gemstone business in Nigeria


To have a vibrant and active gemstone market which will be widely recognized internationally through its addition to the National wealth and the Nigerian economy.


A modernized and vibrant gemstone market supplied by a vibrant mining sector with sustainable and environmentally friendly mining practice in Nigeria.

Expected Outcome/ Objectives of the Gemstones Conference and Expo 2025

  1. To create a forum for policymakers, practitioners, Miners and marketers to share research, experience and best practices in the mining sector.
  2. To bring to table challenges faced by different mining stakeholders and suggesting possible solutions.
  3. To initiate discussions on the pathways for promoting sustainable economic development through mining of gemstones.
  4. To review and keep up to date with global mining trends as participants need to continue to expand their knowledge and stay abreast of the latest in gem industry.
  5. To focus the discussion on development, technology, and innovation that will strengthen the growth of mineral sector especially gemstone industry


Topics for the conference

  • Mode of occurrence, Genesis and controls of gemstone mineralization.
  • Policies surrounding gemstones and mineral mining and marketing in Nigeria.
  • Gemstone exploration and exploitation (mining) technology, including environmental aspects.
  • Gemstone identification, gradation and valuation. Cutting and polishing

Conference Activities

  • Opening Ceremony
  • Stakeholders Meeting
  • Paper Presentations
  • Panel Discussions
  • Exhibition
  • Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Mining Site Visit


Exhibit at the Gemstones and Jewelry Expo 2025

Nigeria is a country known for a large deposit of gemstones such as rubies, sapphire, emeralds, aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz, quartz, etc. The solid mineral sector is an opportunity to be harnessed as their lies a lot of potential in the expansion of the sector. The sector offers a viable alternative to petroleum for foreign exchange earnings. Globally, the mining industry has been a close rival to the petroleum industry, while Nigeria earns a paltry $89 million per annum from it. The commercial value of Nigeria’s solid minerals has been estimated to run into hundreds of trillions of dollars.

The prospects of developing gemstone-based industries in the country are quite bright, and the geological community can play a significant role in modernizing it and also in upgrading the awareness among the common people about their identification, testing, gradation, valuation, and trade and job opportunities

Why not key into this opportunity to put yourself out there. We have fifty (50) spaces up for grab.

Participants expected at the Gemstones and Jewelry Expo 2025

The conference will be largely attended by major stakeholders in the Gemstone industry. We are expecting;

  • Policy makers and legislators
  • Government Agencies
  • Miners Association
  • Mining Consultants and Researchers
  • Policymakers and legislators
  • Artisanal Miners
  • Community leaders
  • Exhibitors


Click here to view images from NGCE2023




Ruby sponsorships are reserved for leading organizations in the mining sector. They comprise the most desirable and effective promotional elements of the Conference.

Key Opportunity

Senior Company Representative will accompany the conference organizers during interviews and receive unsurpassed recognition as your company joins the organizers in promoting the Conference and your company as a Emerald sponsor

Exhibition Opportunities

These opportunities will provide exposure to the dignitaries and stakeholders in the mining sector, the media, and delegate attendees:

  • Exhibit Space – Platinum sponsors will be given a prime location of the exhibition area (10 x 12) unless you have a preferred location for your exhibition space
  • Exhibition Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed on Conference signage in the foyer of the exhibition area
  • Wireless Internet Access – will be provided.
  • Press exposure at the event

Conference Opportunities

The following opportunities will provide the highest level of exposure to all Conference attendees and the media.

  • Complimentary Delegate Registration -Three (3) representatives from your organization will receive complimentary tickets with prime seating arrangements and access to delgate list and feedback
  • Track Session Speaking Slot – An industry/ technology related presentation delivered by your company at a scheduled session within the Conference agenda
  • Keynote video loop –Capture the audience with a 30 seconds commercial video
  • Conference Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed at top tier on all signage throughout the Conference
  • Logo – a slide with your corporate logo will be looped before the start of the Conference, between lectures and at the end of the Conference
  • Conference Booklet – Get the attention of all the delegates by placing a profile of your company in the Conference Booklet
  • Corporate Recognition – Mention will be made of your company’s sponsorship in the Welcome Remarks and the vote of thanks.

Advertising Opportunities

These advertising opportunities will provide exposure before and after the event (deadlines apply)

  • Print Campaign – Corporate logo placed in print advertising campaign for the Conference
  • Website posting – Acknowledgment of your company’s sponsorship on the association’s website with a web link to your company’s website. Also, your logo will remain on the website for an exclusive period of 4 months following the Conference.
  • Electronic Campaign – Corporate logo placed on all e-flyers
  • Press Announcement – Your company name will be mentioned in all press announcements for the conference such as the radio advertisements, newspaper interviews and press releases.
  • Photo Opportunity – You will have the opportunity to take a photo with the dignitaries at your Exhibition booth on the opening day, and a direct link to the photos will be provided to you after the event.


Exhibition Opportunities

These opportunities will provide exposure to the dignitaries and stakeholders in the mining sector, the media, and delegate attendees:

  • Exhibit Space – Platinum sponsors will be given a prime location of the exhibition area (10 x 12) unless you have a preferred location for your exhibition space
  • Exhibition Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed on Conference signage in the foyer of the exhibition area
  • Wireless Internet Access – will be provided.
  • Press exposure at the event

Conference Opportunities

The following opportunities will provide the highest level of exposure to all Conference attendees and the media.

  • Complimentary Delegate Registration -Two (2) representatives from your organization will receive complimentary tickets with prime seating arrangements and access to delgate list and feedback
  • Conference Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed at top tier on all signage throughout the Conference
  • Logo – a slide with your corporate logo will be looped before the start of the Conference, between lectures and at the end of the Conference
  • Corporate Recognition – Mention will be made of your company’s sponsorship in the Welcome Remarks and the vote of thanks.
  • Photo Opportunity – You will have the opportunity to take a photo with the dignitaries at your Exhibition booth on the opening day, and a direct link to the photos will be provided to you after the event.

Advertising Opportunities

These advertising opportunities will provide exposure before and after the event.

  • Print Campaign – Corporate logo placed in print advertising campaign for the Conference
  • Electronic Campaign – Corporate logo placed on all e-flyers
  • Press Announcement – Your company name will be mentioned in all press announcements for the conference such as the radio advertisements, newspaper interviews and press releases.


Exhibition Opportunities

These opportunities will provide exposure to the dignitaries and stakeholders in the mining sector, the media, and delegate attendees:

  • Exhibit Space – Platinum sponsors will be given a prime location of the exhibition area (10 x 12) unless you have a preferred location for your exhibition space
  • Exhibition Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed on Conference signage in the foyer of the exhibition area
  • Wireless Internet Access – will be provided.
  • Press exposure at the event

Conference Opportunities

The following opportunities will provide the highest level of exposure to all Conference attendees and the media.

  • Complimentary Delegate Registration -Two (2) representatives from your organization will receive complimentary tickets with prime seating arrangements and access to delgate list and feedback
  • Conference Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed at top tier on all signage throughout the Conference
  • Logo – a slide with your corporate logo will be looped before the start of the Conference, between lectures and at the end of the Conference
  • Corporate Recognition – Mention will be made of your company’s sponsorship in the Welcome Remarks and the vote of thanks.
  • Photo Opportunity – You will have the opportunity to take a photo with the dignitaries at your Exhibition booth on the opening day, and a direct link to the photos will be provided to you after the event.

Advertising Opportunities

These advertising opportunities will provide exposure before and after the event.

  • Print Campaign – Corporate logo placed in print advertising campaign for the Conference
  • Electronic Campaign – Corporate logo placed on all e-flyers
  • Press Announcement – Your company name will be mentioned in all press announcements for the conference such as the radio advertisements, newspaper interviews and press releases.


Exhibition Opportunities

These opportunities will provide exposure to the dignitaries and stakeholders in the mining sector, the media, and delegate attendees:

  • Exhibit Space – Platinum sponsors will be given a prime location of the exhibition area (10 x 12) unless you have a preferred location for your exhibition space
  • Exhibition Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed on Conference signage in the foyer of the exhibition area
  • Wireless Internet Access – will be provided.
  • Press exposure at the event

Conference Opportunities

The following opportunities will provide the highest level of exposure to all Conference attendees and the media.

  • Complimentary Delegate Registration -One (1) representatives from your organization will receive complimentary tickets with prime seating arrangements and access to delgate list and feedback
  • Conference Signage – Your corporate logo will be positioned as “Supporting Rubilite Sponsor” on all stage signage and near the main stage area
  • Logo – a slide with your corporate logo will be looped before the start of the Conference, between lectures and at the end of the Conference
  • Corporate Recognition – Mention will be made of your company’s sponsorship in the Welcome Remarks and the vote of thanks.

Advertising Opportunities

These advertising opportunities will provide exposure before and after the event.

  • Print Campaign – Corporate logo placed in print advertising campaign for the Conference
  • Electronic Campaign – Corporate logo placed on all e-flyers


Exhibition Opportunities

These opportunities will provide exposure to the dignitaries and stakeholders in the mining sector, the media, and delegate attendees:

  • Exhibit Space – Platinum sponsors will be given a prime location of the exhibition area (10 x 12) unless you have a preferred location for your exhibition space
  • Exhibition Signage – Your corporate logo will be displayed on Conference signage in the foyer of the exhibition area
  • Wireless Internet Access – will be provided.
  • Press exposure at the event

Conference Opportunities

The following opportunities will provide the highest level of exposure to all Conference attendees and the media.

  • Complimentary Delegate Registration -One (1) representatives from your organization will receive complimentary tickets with prime seating arrangements and access to delgate list and feedback
  • Logo – a slide with your corporate logo will be looped before the start of the Conference, between lectures and at the end of the Conference

Advertising Opportunities

These advertising opportunities will provide exposure before and after the event.

  • Print Campaign – Corporate logo placed in print advertising campaign for the Conference
  • Electronic Campaign – Corporate logo placed on all e-flyers